Passion of Designing

Interior designer though has a limited space to work with, he still enjoys the luxury of working in three dimensions that are length, width and height. This space can be occupied or left vacant depending upon what are the requirements of the owner and the functionality of the house.
Space can be divided into two groups, one is functional and the other one nonfunctional space. Functional space is space containing things while nonfunctional space is the vacant space which may also include all the space between the two things. Salient balance between the functional and nonfunctional spaces of a house is very necessary. This balance will be subjective of the clients requirements in the specific area of the house and its vital utility. It is also important to ponder the scale and size of the furniture and objects positioned in the house as this can be used to make the space appear bigger or smaller which will give the anticipated result. Different design styles will provide different uses of space. A simple design will have far more nonfunctional space than complex design.
However how the interior designer uses and balances the space available depends upon the design concepts he visualizes according to the needs of the owner. While designing the house he considers three aspects of interior designing. He shapes every space in the house by using horizontal, vertical and dynamic lines to make the house look perfect and appealing. This brings a harmony in the structural design and furnishing used in the house. Tables and other surface areas generally create horizontal lines in the house. They highlight stability and efficiency in the house. Even use of horizontal lines makes a room appear wider and longer. A focal point can be introduced in a house by using horizontal lines.
Vertical lines on the other hand are generally created by features as windows and doorways. Vertical lines generally create an illusion of a bigger and taller space therefore these lines should be used wisely otherwise the dwellers or the owners may feel uneasy.
Dynamic lines are used in stairs which provide energy and movement to the space. Dynamic lines refer to diagonal, zigzag or curved lines. Dynamic lines create an eye-catching attention to the space. However there should be a balance between the use of dynamic, horizontal and vertical lines to avoid confusion about the space. Too much use of dynamic lines can be confusing and may overpower the horizontal or vertical lines. This is usually done by choosing one central feature line in harmony with the clients requirements and the desired result they want from the space.
Now coming to the objects in the house, objects are generally anything which have three dimensions. It relates to physical form of things. Things can be described as having geometric or natural form. While placing these objects or things in the house there should be synchronization between the objects placed and the scale of the room.
Too many objects with different shapes can create confusion. Adding objects with similar shapes can create harmony and balance. A space is usually more attractive if the main form is repeated in minor objects throughout the room.
Natural light or artificial light both are crucial elements in the house. Without it all other elements in the house would not be able to shine to their full potential. Lighting a house is not an easy task. It is important to report all the activities that will be undertaken in the space. Whenever an interior designer has to decide on this aspect he has to consult the owner about the activities that will be done in the space.
Lighting can be divided into three categories task lighting, emphasized lighting and mood lighting. Task lighting is generally done in areas where the purpose of the lighting is defined. Emphasized lighting is done in areas where the objects in the space are to be highlighted or given importance. On the other hand mood lighting is done to boost the ambience of a given area or space. Natural lighting should always be given importance. Natural lighting can be used through clever placement of doors, windows and even mirrors. Lighting has the ability to set the mood and atmosphere of a space. A good interior designer knows that the lighting fixtures are a visual treat in themselves.
Color is another extremely important element of interior designing. It has the ability to create mood, harmony and peace in the space. Color can create a perfect appearance in accordance with other objects in the house. The selection of colors for a house should not be underestimated and must be used to full advantage by an expert interior designer. Colors can create memories and stimulate emotions. The colors for rooms must be decided depending on the activities that will occur in that space. Again when you decide on this aspect consider how both the natural and artificial lighting will have an effect on selected color and space across the day and night. Generally with lighter and brighter colors smaller spaces will give illusion of more space. Darker and bold colors can give a powerful dimension to a larger space.
When we thing about interior designing, words like ideas, thoughts, creativity and skills instantaneously comes to our mind. Interior designing essentials comprise of space, line, methods, light, color, texture and pattern. Keeping all the above essentials composed is the key to creating an appealingly attractive interior. In addition to improving the look of a house, getting these essentials to work together in synchronization will also fetch a better functionality.

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